The Later Years of
Sergey Volkov (1980-1994 )
Last Self
Portrait 1994
Sergey with his Children
Being a talented artist Sergey Volkov proved
to a real maste r of intuitive pictoral improvisation, Using his
favorite medium, gouache, he abtained incredible results in exploring
a unique expressive diapason of this technique. However in his
grahic cycles the artist was stivig for a complete laconism and
preciseness in the concordance of lane and the meaning his line
The complete artistic heritage of
Sergey Volkov included easel-painting, book illusration, posters
and design projects.
album of the musician and composer Vaycheslav and artist Sergey
Volkov was intended to be a diptych combining a cycle of small light
pieces for the piano and a series of graphic works illuminating
each musical theme. The creators
decided to improvise on the topic of chilhood experiences in St.
Petersburg, as well as the experience of fatherhood. at the beginning
of the 1990's. Haviong agreed on working seperately and not to influmce
each others creative process with ideas by any means, they went
to their classes and as schoolboays set to write the "compositions
and the the preset topc".
they met and looked at what each of them had made, put the two halves
of the heart-amulet together and wer glad to see how well they had
matched conceptually. The"Children's Album" is for everyone,
young and old alike, It is possible to bring life to the pictures,
should you only touch the keys of a piano to bring the music to

The Recital
resulting album is like a family photo album, turning the pages
of it one can understand how mature he or she has become, or can
imagine how much of the unknown is awaiting ahead. Sergey Volkov
did not happen to see the finished album because the re ising star
of this loving artist was taken in tragedy on May 31st, 1994. He
was murdered as he was preparing to leave the Vaskelovo train station
to meet his wife and two children who were waiting in the dacha
(summer house). Sergey was
beaten and left to die by a group of robbers, the robbers took his
money, his watch, and his life.
All the work of publishing and issuing the “Children’s
Album”was undertaken by Sergey's widow GalinaVolkova.
and journalist Boris Vladimirovich Monuschin
Of the Photo-News of St. Petersburg at a photography session
In Gallina's apartment June 2001
To order contact
Volkova or call one of our sales representatives.
Copyrights to Images on the Sergey Volkov website are the
sole property of Galina Volkova and the Heirs of Sergey Volkov
© 2002