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Ecclesiastical Art, Christian Art, Christian Iconography and Symbolism:

St. Patrick

From the June 2003 Issue 14
“...and now I am telling you. You may want to tell others.”

Church of St. Patrick of Cedar Creek
19921 Nightingale St. N.W.
Oak Grove, MN 55011-9243

Phone (763) 753-2011


The sculpture of St. Patrick is Completed. The Artist visits our parish this spring with the new statue of our patron, St. Patrick.The sculpture was delivered to the church, on Easter weekend when it was dedicated and blessed.

During his lifetime, St. Patrick took some unusual turns to bring him to his ministry in God’s work. It took some similarly unusual turns to bring his likeness to its new home in Oak Grove. Father Michael had once purchased a small figurine of the famous saint on a trip to Ireland. When the new worship space was completed and plans were being made to commission a statue of St. Patrick, he offered it as an inspiration for the piece.

That’s when Colorado artist Tim Hinz was brought into the project.Tim Hinz’s work had been discovered locally from an issue of Architectural Digest. A full-time Chris-tian artist and part-time professor of sculpture at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood, Colorado, Mr. Hinz has fulfilled over 350 commissioned works for different churches across the United States.

In May, Mr. Hinz was able to visit the parish to see his workin place and meet the parishioners of the Church of St. Patrick. “It was a real blessing from God to receive this job. I had never advertised and yet someone in Minnesota had seen my work,” said Mr. Hinz, “Now we have made some wonderful friends in the process.”

During the yearlong project, Mr. Hinz discovered that St. Patrick is a real role model for us all. “Like Joseph, he was taken away, but was saved by the word of God. He read the Bible and fulfilled God’s word,” he said. The statue is made of basswood which is a linden-type wood often used by sculptors. The original block is made by laminating some thirty pieces of wood together a process that improves the integrity of the statue as opposed to using a single solid block that may eventually crack.

Early on, mechanized tools are used to shape the wood, but the final phase is completed by hand. The artist describes the likeness of St. Patrick as being “folksy” and somewhat impressionistic. “It shows his strength and earthy qualities,” said Mr. Hinz. “It reflects the real history of St. Patrick. And no snakes and shamrocks!” he adds, referring to the famous, but somewhat misunderstood legends surrounding the saint.

If you would like to learn more about the Hinz Fine Art Studio, you can visit his individual web site at While you’re online, you may also want to learn more about St. Patrick. One particularly good source for information can be found at


Put commentary and History of St. Patrick Texts here



Tim Hinz
C/O Hinz Fine Art Studio
8966 2100 Rd.
Austin, CO 81410

Lyn's cell 303-596-8012
Tim's cell 303-596-8017

E-mail Tim Hinz


All images are copyrighted and are solely and wholly owned
by Tim Hinz ©Copyright 2004 Hinz Fine Art Studio



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