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Tim Hinz
Hinz Fine Art Studio

Ecclesiastical Art, Christian Iconography and Symbolism in Stained Glass Windows:

The windows have been created in a flowing story form and depict the sacraments of the church and the Trinity. Some of this flowing story is very obvious to the viewer, whereas other symbols and images may require a bit more exploration. Viewers may use the flowing description to aid themselves in understanding the thought behind the sacramental windows.....but this is only meant to start you on the path to the wonderful mysteries of God's pursuit of us through the redemptive work of Jesus the Christ as revealed through the sacraments of the church.


The beginning window illustrates baptism; the washing and regeneration which takes place through our symbolic imitation of Jesus' death and resurrection. The water and the word are the elements. Here we see a shell and flowing water, the Holy Spirit takes the form of a dove (Matthew 3:16) and the cross of Christ as the anchor of our faith. The water of baptism is the unifying elements throughout the sacramental windows which is also the foundation for the public profession of our own faith.


The Lord's Supper or Holy Communion is depicted here. Here we find the traditional symbols of wheat and grapes (Luke 22:15-20).


This window represents the Rite of Confirmation with the symbols of the cup and bread (Luke 22:15-20), the light in the darkness (John 1:4-5 & Matthew 5:16) the dove and cross with the sign of the fish on either side.


Ordination, depicted by the stole, is symbolic of the priestly ordination. Surrounding the stole are symbols representing the leading of the Holy Spirit, God's written word, the cross and beneath it the flowing waters of baptism.


In this next window two wedding rings linked together represent marriage. These two rings, individual yet one are anchored on the Chi-Rio. Jesus the Christ (Mark 10:7-9). Here also flows the waters of baptism as well as the ribbon, representing the power of the cross.


One will find healing or unction in the sixth window. The dove (Malachi 4:2) and the vial of oil (James 5:14) speak of physical healing. But really the most important healing of all is captured in the crown of thorns, which symbolizes our spiritual healing when we come to know and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior (1 Peter 2:24).


We are reconciled to God through Christ (Romans 5:10), this is the theme of the reconciliation window. Man's position is pictured symbolically as a ribbon, black in its original state, as it is touched by the cross or the blood of God's lamb, it is cleansed as white as snow. Also pictured is the Holy Spirit, our assurance, the working of the Father's hand and the keys, the power and authority given to Christ's church to open the gates of heaven.


The eighth and final window depicts the Trinity. Flames of fire represent the Holy Spirit, Christ is shown ascending in glory and majesty, above Jesus there are three fish (an ancient symbol of the Trinity), with rays of light spinning out from them that shine into the previous windows and ultimately light the whole of creation itself (Psalm 19:1).





Tim Hinz
C/O Hinz Fine Art Studio
8966 2100 Rd.
Austin, CO 81410

Lyn's cell 303-596-8012
Tim's cell 303-596-8017

E-mail Tim Hinz

All images are copyrighted and are solely and wholly owned
by Tim Hinz ©Copyright 2004 Hinz Fine Art Studio

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