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Francis Xavier
Co_Founder of the Jesuit Order and Missionary to Japan
Mission to Japan

Golden Eagle
Comstock Studio

Ancient Mystery
Chester Comstock

Early Years

Sculpture Studio


The largest of the falcons. This bird is the fastest flying bird in level flight. It is legendary for its endurance often  pursuing its prey until the prey becomes exhausted. 

25" High x 12" Wide x 12" Deep

Price: $6500.00



This sculpture was  commissioned and created for the Bitburg High School 20th Year Reunion held at the Manner Vail  in Vail Colorado in July 1987. The sculpture was presented as gift to the CEO Of Bitburger Pills Brewery in appreciation  for sponsoring the class reunion. The subject of the sculpture was chosen because the graduates of Bitburg High School were primarily military dependants, children of USA Air Force personnel stationed at Germany's Bitburg Air Base.

The presentation ceremony July 1987

The artist spent a day as the guest of the Air Force Academy with the Air Force Academy Cadet Falconers in preparation for sculpting the art. Glacier the  official Mascot for the Air Force Academy was the bird  used during the photography sessions.

Falconers know that the Gyr Falcon is a fierce determined hunter which seems to delight in it's ability to catch the most elusive prey including ducks, geese  grouse and partridge. The life-size sculpture is cast in porcelain with various colored glazes.

"To Collect a Comstock
is to Own a Classic"

To place an order contact us and an individual sales representative will contact you to assist you with the transaction.

Comstock Sculpture Studio
1201 West Thornton Parkway #313
Thornton C0. 80260 
Telephone (303) 657 9778


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