" Last Self Portrait " 1994

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   Presenting The  Artistry of Sergei Volkov

(1955-1994 )

An offering of Giclee prints on canvas of images from Sergey's Palette dedicated to Sergey's children. These poignant images are of childhood experiences and of the home life environment. The images reach the heart with compassion and love of the subject matter.

TheChildren's Album  by Sergei Volkov and Slava Gaivoronsky G allery 1


    One day when Sergey and I were sitting at the family table we conceived a rather banal idea about creating a "children's album" for our kids. That should be a cycle of light pieces for piano and series of graphic works going with them. In order to avoid rough illustrative associations and co-ordination of music to paintings or vice verse, we agreed not to show each other what we were doing until the full completion of the work



"Elephant Waltz"

"The Dream"

"First Step"

    To see a larger view with music click on an image.

Time was passing by in everyday and creative routine, but from time to time when we met or called each other on the phone we would remind each other about our idea. So this way little by little we were making the double cycle of music and painting.

There was strong temptation to have a look or to listen to anything what had been done, but having in mind our promise we went on and at last completed all our planned program.


"Grandfather Came"

  To see a larger view with music click on an image.

Time was passing by in everyday and creative routine, but from time to time when we met or called each other on the phone we would remind each other about our idea. So this way little by little we were making the double cycle of music and painting.

There was strong temptation to have a look or to listen to anything what had been done, but having in mind our promise we went on and at last completed all our planned program.

Time was passing by in everyday and creative routine, but from time to time when we met or called each other on the phone we would remind each other about our idea. So this way little by little we were making the double cycle of music and painting.

"The Guests"


  To see a larger view with music click on an image.

There was strong temptation to have a look or to listen to anything what had been done, but having in mind our promise we went on and at last completed all our planned program.

Then there was a long awaiting meeting of two  friends? Or two enemies? Or two indifferent layers of colors and sounds? The result of the meeting defied all forecasts.

And then , to my mind, after having seen and listened to the whole cycle, it became clear to us that in any case the gift to our children had come out well.


"In The Street"


"The Museum"

    To see a larger view with music click on the  image.

 Sergey was killed murdered by thugs...yet he was talented and  high-minded, a man full of creative searchers and ideas, yet  the "Children's Album" remains - a gift for our children which was not presented while Sergey was alive.

Soon after that a great tragedy happened Galina,  Sergei's widow made great efforts to follow through with the creation of the album and publish the set of diptychs. Now her efforts are being extended to include the creation of  Giclee prints of the poignant images that are in the album.

  But "it seems the miracle has come true" -children will see and listen to the  "Children's Album".

It is difficult for me to estimate the value of Sergey's and my Gift , but it is not difficult to agree that it has been made with love and sincerity to all the children!



      As for me, it is both pleasant and sad for me to understand that this is also a gift for your undying heavenly soul, Serezha.  

Text written By:     Slava Gaivoronsky  Composer and  Album Collaborator

All Copyrights to Images on  the Sergey Volkov website are sole property of Galina Volkova and the Heirs of Sergey Volkov © 2002

All Copyrights to the images on Anna Volokova's web pages are the sole property of Anna Volkova © 2002

All copyrights to musical Scores are the sole property of Slava Gaivoronsky Composer © 2002



Produced and edited by Artsales.com all rights reserved © 2002